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Speech therapy for everyone

Are you a speech therapist and want to start using Dialog?

General terms of Service

Last updated: 2024-06-12

1. Introduction

Dialog speech and language technologies AB is a company dedicated to developingand providing technological solutions for speech and language training. This isprimarily provided through a digital platform where users can practice their speechand language through exercises in multiple modalities.

2. Definitions

In these General Terms of Service (the "General Terms") the following words and expressions shall, unless the context otherwise requires, have the following meanings:

1. General Terms means these General Terms of Service.

2. Dialog refers to Dialog speech and language technologies AB
Org nr: ​559392-7816

3. User means the natural person who has registered an Account or has been assigned a Practice Account to Use the Service.

4. Service refers to Dialog's digital platform for speech and language training.

5. Uploaded Content means images, text, audio, video that is uploaded, generated, or otherwise provided on or through the Service by the Users.

6. Account refers to the personal User account that the user registers in order to Use the Service, with access to all functionalities of the Service.

7. Practice Account refers to a Practice Account that a User can create after registering for the Service and give out to another User. The Practice Account has a limited set of functionalities compared to an Account.

8. Use means that as a User of the Service, you are permitted to conduct speech and language exercises through the Service. Certain Users can also have access to add images, create exercises that generate question and answer audio content, create Practice Accounts, monitor usage statistics and assign these exercises to other Users within the Service. Use includes all activities directly connected to these functionalities, such as creating, managing, sharing, monitoring, assigning, and practicing exercises within the Service.

9. Website refers to Dialog speech and language technologies AB Website, accessible from

10. Intellectual Property Rights means patents, trade marks, service marks, rights in logos, rights in get-up, trade names, internet domain names, rights in designs, software, copyright (including rights in computer software) and moral rights, database rights, utility models, processes, rights in know-how and other Intellectual Property Rights, in each case whether registered or unregistered, and all rights or forms of protection having equivalent or similar effect anywhere in the world and registered includes registrations and applications for registration;.

11. Force Majeure means Acts of God, explosions, war or threat of war, terrorism or threat of terrorism, actions of the armed forces or government agencies pursuant to war, terrorism or threats thereof, fire, flood, adverse weather conditions, labour disputes, strikes, lockouts or other industrial actions irrespective of where such events occur, shortage of materials or services, detention or holding of goods by any customs authorities or any national or international airworthiness authority, riots or civil commotion, sabotage, earthquakes and natural disasters, acts, omissions, restrictions, regulations, prohibitions or measures of any governmental, parliamentary or local authority.

3. General terms

The agreement between Dialog and the User is governed by the General Terms. The User accepts these terms and conditions by accessing or using the Service. In order to register an Account and purchase a subscription or be assigned a Practice Account, the User must be at least 18 years old. If the User does not accept these General terms, the User can not Use the Service.

By accepting, the User confirms that they have been informed of and understand the content of these General Terms. The General terms apply as long as the User has an active Account or Practice Account with Dialog.

4. Registration

1. In order to access the Service, the User registers an Account with Dialog. In order to access their Account, registration must be confirmed by Dialog.

2. A User can also get access to the Service by being assigned a Practice Account from a User with an Account. This Practice Account has a limited set of functionalities.

3. Upon registration of an Account or being assigned a Practice Account, the User is assigned login credentials. The User is responsible for protecting the login details and ensuring that they do not become available to unauthorized parties. The User should immediately inform Dialog if any unauthorized party gains access to the account.

4. A User of the Service may deregister their Account or Practice Account by contacting Dialog through the contact details provided in the General Terms, whereby Dialog will handle the User's request without delay.

5. Dialog has the right to suspend a User and terminate their Account or Practice Account if the User violates the General Terms.

5. About the Service

The Service is a digital speech and language training platform where Users can practice their speech and language. The platform also offers functionality for certain Accounts to create Practice Accounts, monitor usage statistics, create speech and language training exercise material, and assign exercises to Practice Accounts.

6. Use of the Service

The User may not do any of the following, unless applicable laws or regulations prohibit these restrictions or the User have Dialog’s written permission to do so:

1. Upload, display or otherwise provide on or through the Service any content that:

a.) Is libelous, defamatory, abusive, threatening, harassing, hateful, offensive or otherwise violates any law or infringes upon the right of any third party (including copyright, trademark, privacy, publicity or other personal or proprietary rights).

b.) In Dialog’s sole judgment is objectionable or which restricts or inhibits any other person from using the Service or which may expose Dialog or its Users to any harm or liability of any kind.

2. With the exception for actions on behalf of the User directly connected to the Use of the Service; User’s may not download, modify, copy, distribute, transmit, display, perform, reproduce, duplicate, publish, license, create derivative works from, or offer for sale any information contained on, or obtained from or through, the Service.

3. Access or Use the Service in any manner that could disable, overburden, damage, disrupt or impair the Service or interfere with any other party's access to or Use of the Service or use any device, software or routine that causes the same (including viruses and other malware).

4. Attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Service, or the computer systems or networks connected to the Service.

5. Circumvent, remove, alter, deactivate, degrade or thwart any technological measure or content protections of the Service.

6. Use any robot, spider, crawlers or other automatic device, process, software or queries that intercepts, “mines,” scrapes or otherwise accesses the Service to monitor, extract, copy or collect information or data from or through the Service, or engage in any manual process to do the same.

7. Use the Service for illegal, harassing, unethical, or disruptive purposes. 

8. Violate any applicable law or regulation in connection with the Users access to or Use of the Service. 

9. Access or Use the Service in any way not expressly permitted by these terms. 

The User’s usage of the Service shall be limited to a maximum of 10 hours per week in case a single Practice Account is used by more than one individual on a single device. If the Practice Account is solely used by a single individual, the usage is not limited as long as this individual is the sole User of the Service.

In the event of misuse of the Service, Dialog has the right to suspend the Account or Practice Account without giving reasons thereinto.

7. Disclaimer of Warranties; Limitation of Liability

1. Dialog does not guarantee, represent or warrant that the Users Use of the Service will be uninterrupted, timely, secure or error-free.

2. Dialog does not warrant that the results that may be obtained from the Use of the Service will be accurate, reliable or meet specific expectations.

3. Dialog does not warrant that the Service can be used on all types of devices or browsers , or that the Service will be compatible with any specific hardware or software.

4. Dialog does not guarantee that any content that the User may provide or Use in the Service remains available or stays unchanged over time. 

5. Dialog is not responsible for any third-party content accessed through the Service, and the User assumes full responsibility for their use of any third-party links or content.

6. The purpose of the Service is to provide a platform with exercises for practicing speech and language. The content of the Service is for general information purposes only and does not constitute advice or recommendations unless explicitly stated otherwise. The Service is not intended to provide medical diagnosis or offer recommendations or advice for medical care or treatment. Outcomes from the use of the Service may vary and are influenced by various factors. Dialog does not guarantee any specific results. The Service should be considered a supplement to, and not a replacement for, professional advice. For specific needs or advice, individuals should seek professional help.

The User agrees that from time to time Dialog may remove the Service for indefinite periods of time or cancel the Service at any time, without notice to the User.

The User agrees that their use of, or inability to use, the Service is at their sole risk. Dialog cannot be held liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or punitive damages arising from any changes, modifications, suspensions, terminations, or limitations of the Service, or the removal of any content or materials in the Service in any respect.

The Service and all products and services delivered to the User through the Service are (except as expressly stated by Dialog) provided 'as is' and 'as available' for Use, without any representation, warranties or conditions of any kind, either express or implied, including all implied warranties or conditions of merchantability, merchantable quality, fitness for a particular purpose, durability, title, and non-infringement. 

Notwithstanding this, any damage or liability cannot exceed the amount the User has paid for the Service in the last six months.

8. Third-party applications

Parts of the Service rely on third party applications to be fully utilized. Dialog is not responsible for any errors and does not guarantee the functionality of third party applications. Any errors in these applications should be reported directly to the provider of the third party.

9. Modification of terms and conditions

Dialog reserves the right to amend or supplement these General Terms at any time, without obtaining the User's consent. Any changes will take effect no later than 7 days after the change has been published on the Website or in the Service, or if the User has otherwise become aware of the change. The User will be deemed to have accepted the new conditions if the Service is used after this 7-day period.

Nevertheless, the User has the right to promptly terminate the agreement if they do not accept the new conditions, with immediate effect.

10. Intellectual Property Rights

Dialog owns all Intellectual Property Rights to the Service, including but not limited to images, audio files, design, software, and materials and content generated in the Service. The User is not granted any Intellectual Property Rights regarding the Service or the material generated in the Service. The User is not granted any Intellectual Property Rights to the Service or any of the material created in the Service.

11. Subscription

1. Access to an Account requires an active paid subscription to the Service.

2. Dialog or the User may terminate the subscription with thirty (30) days' notice for any reason. Should the User wish to terminate their subscription, they may do so by contacting Dialog through email at Upon receiving the termination request, Dialog will proceed with the termination process within the specified notice period.

3. In the event of termination of an Account, the User is entitled to a refund for the months for which the subscription was terminated, unless the subscription agreement or the General Terms have been breached.

4. Each subscription shall automatically renew for subsequent periods of the same length as the initial period unless either party notifies the other party in writing of termination at least thirty (30) days before the end of the current period.

5. The price for the Service is stated on the Website and is exclusive of VAT and in Euro €.

6. Dialog reserves the right to change its pricing with prior notice (on the Website and by email or in the previous invoice). The new prices are used in the billing of the User's next billing period. The User has the right to terminate the Service before the new billing period. Dialog can close the Service if the invoice has not been paid by the due date. Service can be terminated without notice if the payment has not been made immediately after the notice. The opening fee of the closed Service may also be charged for re-opening the Service.

12. Personal data

Personal data provided by the User to Dialog is processed in accordance with Dialog's current privacy policy in effect. More information about how personal data is processed can be found in Dialog's privacy policy:

13. Force Majeure

Users expressly release Dialog from responsibility for any delay or failure of performance if and to the extent caused by an event that is not reasonably foreseeable or otherwise caused by or under the control of the party claiming force majeure, such as changes in laws and regulations or in the interpretation thereof, acts of authorities, war, acts of war, labor disputes, blockades, sabotage, terrorism, vandalism, accidents and other like events.

14. Miscellaneous

1. Non-transferable right

Users who accept these General terms obtain a non-transferable right to Use the Service. Users are expressly prohibited from transferring the license or disclosing login information and passwords associated with Accounts or Practice Accounts.The non-transferable right can not be redistributed or made available on networks.

2. Assigning rights to third party

Users may not assign or pledge its rights and obligations under these terms to any third party except with the prior written consent of Dialog. Dialog reserves the right to assign its rights and obligations under these terms without notice to Users or consent by the User.

3. Termination upon material breach of agreement

Dialog reserves the right to terminate the agreement and suspend the User's Account or Practice Account immediately if the Service is used in violation of the General Terms and the User has breached its obligations to Dialog. Upon such termination, the User shall cease all use of the Service.

4. Failure enforcing of terms

The failure of Dialog to exercise or enforce any right or provision of these terms shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision. If any provision of these terms is found to be unenforceable or invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, that provision shall be limited or eliminated to the minimum extent necessary and the terms shall otherwise remain in full force and effect and remain enforceable between the parties.

15. Disputes

These General Terms shall be construed in accordance with and be governed by the laws of Sweden, without regard to its conflict of law provisions.

Any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or in connection with these terms shall be finally settled by Swedish courts, with Stockholm’s district court (Stockholms tingsrätt) as the court of first instance.

16. Contact

If you have any questions regarding the General Terms , or any question, complaint or claim with respect to the Service, please contact us at: